EURIX takes part in MIRROR conference in Vienna

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The H2020 projects MIRROR, in which EURIX is a partner, and CRiTERIA are organising the conference “Security Challenges and Opportunities in the Use of Open-Source Information and Emerging Technologies in the Field of Migration”, which will take place at the National Defence Academy in Vienna on 5 and 6 May 2022.

Policy-makers and security practitioners are looking towards the use of new data sources, such as social media for the analysis of migration-related aspects, as a way to complement and fill in some of the gaps in traditional data sources and methods. The incredible availability of digital content can be very useful especially due to the timeliness, the frequency at which information can be updated, the wide coverage and the level of details it can provide.

Technological developments in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are also leading to significant progress in the field of intelligence analysis, especially concerning situation monitoring, fact-checking and pattern detection.

The target of this international event is to achieve a better and greater understanding of the opportunities that can arise from the use of open source and emerging technologies to address today’s complex security challenges.

will present the results achieved in the development of the MIRROR platform during Session 2 and Session 5 “Technologies and Security Challenges”, as partner responsible for the implementation of the Data Streaming & Analytics framework.

The conference will be held in a hybrid format, allowing both physical and remote participation, thus facilitating the widest possible participation.

MIRROR started on June 1, 2019 and has a runtime of three years.

The MIRROR project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement № 832921.