EURIX speaks at the international conference “Migration in Focus”

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The consortium of the H2020 MIRROR project, of which EURIX is a partner, organizes the event “Migration in Focus: Addressing Informational Challenges in Humanitarian Actions“, which will be taking place in the historic Fort St. Elmo in Malta on 15 and 16 December 2021.

The main focus of this international conference, which fosters debate on the most sensitive aspects of the complex phenomenon of migration, is to identify new ways and means to fill in “informational gaps” in formulating and deploying policies and humanitarian responses targeting migrants.

will speak in the panel “Technologies in the field of migration: Demonstration of the MIRROR Platform“, as partner responsible for the implementation of the Data Streaming & Analytics framework.

The conference will take place in a hybrid format, which will allow both physical and remote participation, thus facilitating wider participation from around the world.

MIRROR started on June 1, 2019 and has a runtime of three years.

Program of the event and registration: “Migration in Focus” Conference.
Any further information is available on the website:

The MIRROR project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement № 832921.