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EURIX processes information from Gaia satellite

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The main objective of the Gaia space mission, organized by the European Space Agency, is to perform astrometric measurements of very high precision. The sophisticated instrumentation, on board the satellite, allows to measure various properties of the stars of the Milky Way.

The contribution of Italian technology to the mission is significant. The Data Processing Center based in Turin is the ground base that follows the satellite, receives and processes daily data. This Center was born from the collaboration between the company ALTEC, industrially responsible for the design, development and management of the infrastructure and INAF-OATo, which coordinates the examination and storage of data.

EURIX, with its strong expertise in Data Analysis, collaborates with the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) to the processing of data from the Gaia satellite.

For more than a decade, EURIX has been collaborating in the development, optimization and integration assistance, at the Data Processing Center of Turin in ALTEC, of scientific algorithms for data reduction and analysis processed at the Astrophysical Observatory of Turin (OATo).

ALTEC SpA is a company owned by Thales Alenia Space Italia and the Italian Space Agency and is based in Turin. It represents a center of excellence for the provision of engineering and logistics services to support the operations and utilization of the International Space Station and to support the development and implementation of planetary exploration missions.