EURIX participated in the online workshop “Contemporary Challenges in Migration: an interactive discussion on the MIRROR Platform” on November 26th, 2020. The event, organized by the MIRROR consortium, was attended by high-level European policy-makers and security practitioners, civil society representatives and members of international humanitarian agencies.
The EU H2020 research project MIRROR aims at developing an integrated platform and tools for media analysis focusing on the perception of Europe as a potential destination for migration.
The event included the explanation of MIRROR platform technologies, a review of the legal, ethical and societal framework of the project and platform as well as a brief description of the theoretical basis and information model on EU perception.
During the workshop, EURIX gave a guided introduction of the MIRROR mock-up. We used a MIRROR scenario to explain the functionality of the system, the technologies already integrated and how they can be used by different stakeholders. This was followed by a more detailed presentation of the platform’s search functionalities (e.g. search by MRSC – Migration Related Semantic Concepts, free text, time, country, etc.). The presentation also touched upon the type of online sources exploited by the platform.
The event ended with an interactive discussion where participants were encouraged to share their feedback and recommendations.
The MIRROR consortium consists of fourteen partners from seven different EU countries.
Any further information is available on the website:

The MIRROR project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement № 832921.