EURIX contributes to the development of the MIRROR platform

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EURIX leads the “System Architecture and Integration” task as partner responsible for the development of the Data Streaming & Analytics for the EU H2020 MIRROR research project.

This project aims to develop an integrated platform, a set of tools, as well as a systematic methodology capable of analyzing the ways in which Europe is perceived outside its borders, especially by the countries of origin of migration.

In particular this project will combine methods of automated analysis of texts, multimedia and social networks with empirical studies to create a substantial picture of the perception of Europe abroad. These research methodologies are based on Machine Learning (Deep Learning) algorithms.

This will be useful to identify disinformation campaigns and instances of media manipulation in order to make European organizations and institutions more aware of the effects and threats that such wrong perceptions may cause.

MIRROR started on June 1, 2019 and has a runtime of three years.

Any further information is available on the website:

The MIRROR project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement № 832921.