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DC4ET charts the roadmap for a green future

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The energy and digital transition will be the focus of the conference, to be held on 14 March 2024 at 4pm, organised by Fondazione Piemonte Innova and Fondirigenti, in collaboration with Polo di Innovazione ICT, Federmanager Torino and Unione Industriali Torino, to present the final result of DC4ET project – Digital Competences for Energy Transition.

The “Competences and Digital for Energy Transition” model will be previewed: a real Roadmap for the energy transition of SMEs.

Companies have a crucial role to play in the transition to a sustainable energy future.

Co-designed with the managers of the organisations participating in the project, the Roadmap provides companies with a set of strategic directions and practical tools for energy efficiency, energy risk management and participation in Renewable Energy Communities.

EURIX, which was chosen to participate in DC4ET, was able to make a valuable contribution to the project thanks to its expertise on the design and implementation of IoT solutions for energy efficiency.