EURIX took part in CYBER, a project promoted by Fondirigenti, Federmanager and Unione Industriali Torino and organised by Piemonte Innova (formerly Torino Wireless). It was an interesting initiative that involved managers and executives from 20 companies from various industrial sectors for a total of eight months.
The target of the project was to identify and standardise the problems and needs of companies in the area of cybersecurity.
An initial moment of sharing best practices and risk analysis was followed by the mapping phase of the resilience model. Five thematic areas were thus identified (Protection, Management and technologies, Organisation and processes, Compliance and regulations, Human factor), in order to better understand the company’s security level and to have useful information on the most critical areas.
The result of this work is the Cyber Readiness Level (CRL), an index that measures organisations’ ability to respond and resilience to cyber attacks.
Thanks its expertise in Network & Data Security, EURIX was able to provide a valuable contribution to the project.