IAM organizes ”Agile Venture Vimercate 2021”

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Due to the emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we have all been forced to change the way we work.

Remote working has suddenly imposed significant organisational and logistical changes on each of us. These unexpected changes have inevitably caused a general sense of disorientation and uncertainty.

The Italian Agile Movement (IAM) organizes the “Agile Venture Vimercate 2021 – Agility at the time of Covid, inside and outside companies” event in order to evaluate the contribution of the adoption of Agile Methodology in this sensitive period.

The online conference, which will be held on 26 June 2021, aims to examine, through the sharing of experiences, the capacity of Agile facilitation in the governance and management of change, both inside and outside companies.

For more information, please visit the website: Agile Venture Vimercate 2021.