EURIX has been awarded CITY4ALL, a research project selected under the EU Project initiative “TrialsNet: TRials supported by Smart Networks beyond 5G”.
EURIX has been awarded CITY4ALL, a research project selected under the EU Project initiative “TrialsNet: TRials supported by Smart Networks beyond 5G”.
Today EURIX will participate in the event ‘MEET THE FUTURE… And after #ICTUniTo?’, Career Day organised by ICT-UniTo.
Yesterday we participated in the webinar “Web For All: introduction to accessible web development”, a pre-event of Accessibility Days 2024.
Yesterday, Wednesday 3 April, the company meeting took place at the Talent Garden Torino at the Fondazione Agnelli.
Thanks to the DC4ET project, a roadmap for the energy and digital transition of enterprises has been created.
We have successfully activated the first parking monitoring site and the results are amazing.
The implementation of our EOS³ suite resulted in two interventions, which focused on improving the efficiency of both air conditioning and lighting systems.
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2024!
EURIX has been awarded the NODES research project WOW, which stands for “Wellbeing Optimization at Work”.
The “Italian Agile Days (IAD) 2023” will take place on 17 and 18 November at the Politecnico di Milano.