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Home » EURIX wins AI4IAQ


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EURIX has been awarded research project AI4IAQ, which stands for “Artificial Intelligence for Indoor Air Quality”.

Buildings are often subject to excessive energy consumption due to air conditioning, with great consequences in terms of cost, efficiency and impact on occupants’ health. One of the causes is the difficulty in striking a balance between efficient energy management and the needs of the users involved.

AI4IAQ will develop a system that will profoundly innovate the Building Automation sector by focusing on air quality.

The innovation will consist in developing a technological solution, non-invasive and integrable to existing building systems, capable of acquiring and analysing the evolution of IAQ indices.

The monitoring IoT infrastructure will be implemented by installing sensors and detection and actuation devices connected and managed from the cloud.

technology will regulate air conditioning (HVAC) systems automatically through the development of predictive algorithms.

AI and ML algorithms will predict the evolution of the IAQ index; this will enable the identification of regulation strategies to anticipate drifts and anomalies.

The AI4IAQ solution will provide the information needed to enable advanced control to achieve the best balance between IAQ, comfort, and energy consumption, implementing essential actions to maximize environmental sustainability.

The project partners are: EURIX, Capetti Elettronica.

AI4IAQ started in October 2024 and has a runtime of two years.