EURIX has been awarded CITY4ALL, a research project selected under the EU Project initiative “TrialsNet: TRials supported by Smart Networks beyond 5G”.
CITY4ALL’s target is the creation of a VR game designed to foster students and educators awareness of diversity and inclusion issuses.
The VR game, which will be adopted for educational purposes in schools, aims to raise awareness among children about the need for a collective effort. The communities we live in will be thus truly inclusive and encourage the full participation of people with disabilities.
The VR game will be designed and developed involving people with sensory disabilities through Design Thinking workshops to identify the main critical issues that visually impaired and deaf people encounter in experiencing the city and the solutions needed to overcome the obstacles.
In particular, the VR game will feature three immersive experiences, each designed to reproduce challenges faced by individuals with specific disabilities: blindness, deafness and mobility impairment.
The system will leverage the 5G network capabilities to provide a smooth and high-quality user experience, supporting the immersive environments provided by the game, and will include AI-based assistants to support advanced interaction with the user.
EURIX, in addition to its role as CITY4ALL coordinator, will act as System Integrator, as a partner responsible for architecture design, integration activities and VR game development.
The project partners are: EURIX, Wind Tre Italia, CPD-Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà.
The CITY4ALL project started in May 2024 and has a runtim of one year.

The CITY4ALL project has been co-funding from the European Union’s Horizon-JU-SNS-2022 research and innovative action program.